Foster or volunteer

Help us keep hope alive
The need for temporary foster homes for cats, alongside advice and support in other ways, is growing at an alarming rate. We aim to never say no to a cat owner in crisis, so we urgently need more foster homes.
If you’re unable to foster a cat, we have a multitude of other ways you can help us on our mission – we’ve outlined some of the current needs below. You can also support us by simply getting the word out to more community organisations, potential partners and patrons, and – ultimately – cat owners who need our help, by liking and sharing our posts on social media. It all helps, and we appreciate everything you are able to do.

Foster a cat
We love our foster community of cat lovers in Bristol and beyond. By offering a spare room or your whole home, you’re playing a vital part in the welfare of both the cat and its owners.
Fostering FAQs
What do you need from me? An openness to let a cat become part of your life for a few days, weeks or months. Previous cat ownership is a real plus but we’ll be on hand to support you. Some time and patience is required, particularly as our cats are coming from a range of situations and all react differently. Once you’ve filled out a fostering form, we’ll get in touch to talk through your preferences and the practicalities of taking in a cat, including a home visit or video call. You may have other cats or pets, be living in rented accommodation, or be able to offer somewhere only for a week or two – these aren’t necessarily limiting factors.
What about food, litter, toys and vet care? The cat will arrive with an initial supply of food, litter and toys from its previous home (or foster homes). Some fosters choose to pay for ongoing supplies, but don’t let that put you off – we have donations and do regular trips to wholesalers. We can also arrange for things like cat trees and flea treatments. If at any point the cat in your care needs vet treatment, the cost will be covered. Once we’ve assessed you as a great fit, we can discuss all of this in more detail within the context of specific cats.
What happens once a cat arrives? We’ll be in touch regularly to support you, answer any questions you have and check in on the cat. You'll be joining the big Feline Fine Family. There’s a lively Whatsapp group for fosters where you can exchange tips. We’ll also ask you for regular short updates and photos to pass on to the cat’s owner about how they are doing. And we’ll keep you in the loop about any changes to the owner’s situation so you know how long you’ll have the cat for (keeping exact details completely confidential).
Volunteer in other ways
To help us help more owners in crisis, we need:

People who can ferry cats and supplies across the Bristol area

Who can help us fund all our services and reach out to new sources of support

Feline Friends
Work placements
People to provide company, cuddles and care to cats who need it (note: only suitable for over 18s who can work independently)
For animal management or veterinary students looking for practical experience with cats

Keyboard warriors
Who are willing to spread the word as far and as wide as possible, so we can find more brilliant fosters, raise our profile amongst charities and community organisations so they know they can refer to us, and reach more owners in crisis, wherever they are